Large Intestine Primary Channel

Chinese: 手阳明大肠经

Pinyin: Shǒu Yáng Míng Dà Cháng Jīng

Pathway for Large Intestine Primary Channel

The external pathway: 

  • The Large Intestine Primary Channel originates from Shangyang LI-1, at the radial aspect of the corner of the index finger nail. LI-1 connects to a Lung Primary Channel branch at Lieque LU-7
  • Running along the radial side of the index finger, it then passes between the first and second metacarpal bones at Hegu LI-4
  • It then runs through Yangxi LI-5 at the depression between the tendons of extensor pollicis longus and brevis. 
  • Afterwards, it ascends along the lateral aspect of the forearm and reaches Quchi LI-11 at the elbow. 
  • Continuing ascending along the lateral aspect of the upper arm, it arrives at Jianyu LI-15 of the shoulder joint. 
  • From there, it crosses the shoulder and reaches Jugu LI-16 at the depression between the scapular spine and the lateral extremity of the clavicle. 
  • Running in a medial direction, the Channel then passes through Bingfeng SI-12 in the center of the suprascapular fossa.
  • It then arrives at Dazhui DU-14, which is below the 7th spinous process (C7) and also the meeting point for all other 5 Yang Channels. 
  • Finally, it crosses the shoulder and enters the supraclavicular fossa at Quepen ST-12

The internal pathway: 

  • From ST-12, the Primary Channel goes internally.
  • It descends through the Lungs, penetrates the diaphragm and finally arrives at the Large Intestine
  • According to some books, the internal Primary Channel continues descending to Shangjuxu ST-37 at the lateral aspect of the lower leg. This is the lower He-Sea point of the Large Intestine. 


  • One external branch separates from Quepen ST-12, ascending along the lateral aspect of the neck. It then ascends the cheek, enters the lower gums and curves around the upper lip. After crossing Renzhong DU-26 at the philtrum, it goes to the opposite side of the face and ends at Yingxiang LI-20 next to the nose, which is also the connecting point with the Stomach Channel

Large Intestine Divergent Channel

Chinese: 手阳明经别

Pinyin: Shǒu Yáng Míng Jīng Bié

Large Intestine Divergent Channel

Pathway for Large Intestine Divergent Channel

  • The Large Intestine Divergent Channel separates from the Primary Channel from the hand. 
  • It runs along the arm and reaches Jianyu LI-15 at the shoulder. From there,
    • one branch crosses the chest, breast, Lung and the Large Intestine. 
    • another branch first runs to Dazhui DU-14 which is located under the 7th cervical vertebra (C7) on the back, and then goes to Quepen ST-12 in the center of the suprascapular fossa. It then ascends along the anterolateral aspect of the neck and finally meets the Large Intestine Primary Channel as well as the Lung Divergent Channel at Futu LI-18. 

Large Intestine Sinew Channel

Chinese: 手阳明经筋

Pinyin: Shǒu Yáng Míng Jīng Jīn

Pathway for Large Intestine Sinew Channel

  • The Large Intestine Sinew Channel starts at Shangyang LI-1 around the tip of the index finger. 
  • After ascending the dorsum of the index finger as well as hand, it binds at Yuanxi LI-5 at the wrist. 
  • Continues ascending the forearm, the Sinew Channel binds again at Quchi LI-11 at the lateral aspect of the elbow. 
  • It then goes up further along lateral aspect of the forearm and makes another bind at Jianyu LI-15 at the shoulder. 
  • From the shoulder, the Sinew Channel separates into two branches:
    • The main branch ascends the neck by crossing the supraclavicular fossa and binds at the angle of the jaw. It then forms two subbranches: 
      • One subbranch ascends the cheek and binds at the side of the nose. 
      • The other one ascends the lateral aspect of the face anterior to Benshen GB-13, which is the meeting point of the 3 Hand Yang Sinew Channels. It then continues crossing over the top of the head and terminates at the lower jaw on the opposite side. 
    • The other branch spreads across the scapula and attaches to the spine between the 7th cervical vertebra (C7) and the 5th thoracic vertebra (T5). This is also the region between Dazhui DU-14 and Shendao DU-11

Large Intestine Luo-Connecting Vessel System

Chinese: 手阳明络脉

Pinyin: Shǒu Yáng Míng Luò Mài

Large Intestine Luo-Connecting Vessel System

Pathway for Large Intestine Luo-Connecting Vessel System

  • The Large Intestine Luo-Connecting Vessel System starts at Pianli LI-6 on the forearm, which is the Channel's Luo-Connecting point. 
  • From there it forms a three-dimensional reticular network composed of various branches and subbranches. 
    • One branch connects with the Lung Primary Channel interiorly and exteriorly.  
    • The main branch ascends along the Primary Channel to Jianyu LI-15 on the shoulder. It then passes Quepen ST-12 in the center of supraclavicular fossa, runs up the neck to the mandibular angle and eventually spreads there:
      • One subbranch runs to the teeth
      • Another enters the ear and connects with all Channels that reaches the ear.