Spleen Primary Channel

Chinese: 足太阴脾经

Pinyin: Zú Tài Yīn Pí Jīng

Pathway for Spleen Primary Channel

The external pathway: 

  • The Spleen Primary Channel starts at Yinbai SP-1 at the medial corner of the big toe nail. It connects to a Stomach Primary branch at Chongyang ST-42 and forms the first great circuit of Foot Yin-Yang. 
  • It flows through the medial aspect of the foot, along the border where the skin changes color. 
  • It then passes Shangqiu SP-5 of the medial malleolus and ascends along the posterior border of the medial tibia. 
  • Sanyinjiao SP-6 is 3 cun above the madial malleolus, which is the meeting point with the other two Foot-Yin Channel (Liver and Kidneys). SP-6 is also the most important point of the Channel. 
  • It continues ascending the anteromedial aspect of the knee and thigh to the lower abdomen at Fushe SP-13
  • Afterwards, it ascends to the Stomach area 4 cun lateral to the midline, then to the ribs area 6 cun lateral to the midline. During the course, it also cross other Channels at Riyue GB-24, Qimen LIV-14 and  Zhongfu LU-1
  • After reaching the second intercostal space, the Primary Channel curves downward and terminates at Dabao SP-21, on the midaxillary line 6 cun below the axilla. 

The internal pathway: 

  • In the abdomen area, the Primary Channel intersects with the Directing Vessel internally at Zhongji REN-3, Guangyuan REN-4 and Xiawan REN-10 on the midline. 
    • One internal branch enters the Spleen, penetrates the diaphragm, ascending along the oesophagus and spreads over the lower surface of the tongue. 
    • Another internal branch enters the Stomach, penetrates the diaphragm and connects to the Heart

Spleen Divergent Channel

Chinese: 足太阴经别

Pinyin: Zú Tài Yīn Jīng Bié

Spleen Divergent Channel

Pathway for Spleen Divergent Channel

  • The Spleen Divergent Channel separates from the Primary Channel near Jimen SP-11 on the anteromedial aspect of the thigh, at the medial border of the sartorius muscle. 
  • It then penetrates to the abdomen internally at Qichong ST-30 in the inguinal region. 
  • From there, it runs all the way up to Quepen ST-12 in the supraclavicular fossa, passing through the Stomach, Spleen, oesophagus and Heart,
  • Then it ascends further and crosses the Stomach Primary and Divergent Channel at Renying ST-9 on the neck. 
  • It finally terminates around the tongue. 

Spleen Sinew Channel

Chinese: 足太阴经筋

Pinyin: Zú Tài Yīn Jīng Jīn

Pathway for Spleen Sinew Channel

  • The Spleen Sinew Channel originates at Yinbai SP-1 on the medial aspect of the big toe. 
  • It flows along the medial border of the foot and binds at Shangqiu SP-5 at the medial malleolus. 
  • Ascending along the medial aspect of the tibia to the knee, it binds at Yinlingquan SP-9
  • Continuing ascending along the medial aspect of the thigh, it binds on the medial aspect of the inguinal region. 
  • It then runs to Zhongji REN-3 in the midline of the lower abdomen, connecting to other Foot Yin Sinew Channels. From there, the Sinew Channel divides into three branches: 
    • One goes to the external genitalia. 
    • One ascends the Directing Vessel along the anterior midline and binds at the umbilicus. It then runs up further, spreading in the abdomen and chest. 
    • The third one penetrates deeper into the body and terminates at Pishu BL-20 of the back spinal area. 


Spleen Luo-Connecting Vessel System

Chinese: 足太阴络脉

Pinyin: Zú Tài Yīn Luò Mài

Pathway for Spleen Luo-Connecting Vessel System

  • Spleen Luo-Connecting Vessel separates from the Primary Channel at Gongsun SP-4 on medial aspect of the foot, along the border where the skin changes color. 
  • From there it forms a three-dimensional reticular network composed of various branches and subbranches. 
    • The main branch ascends following the Spleen Primary Channel. It enters the abdomen and connects to the Large Intestine and the Stomach
    • The other branch connects with the Stomach Primary Channel interiorly and exteriorly.

The Great Spleen Luo-Connecting Vessel 

  • It separates from the Primary Channel from Dabao SP-21, on the midaxillary line and 6 cun below the axilla. 
  • It spreads like a net through the chest and lateral costal region. 
  • It contains the Luo-Connecting Vessel Blood and disperses them to the whole body vessels.