Pericardium Primary Channel

Chinese: 手厥阴心包经

Pinyin: Shǒu Jué Yīn Xīn Bāo Jīng

Pathway for Pericardium Primary Channel

The internal pathway: 

  • The Pericardium Primary Channel starts in the center of the chest at the same level as Shanzhong REN-17 in the center of the two nipples. 
  • It then connects with the Pericardium. 
  • Afterwards, it runs inside the breasts and emerges at Tianchi P-1, which is about 1 cun lateral to the nipple in the 4th intercostal space. 

The external pathway:

  • It ascends and arches over the axilla, flows along the antero-medial aspect of the upper arm, between the Lung and Heart Channel
  • Passing the elbow at Quze P-3, it continues along the forearm between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles, where Ximen P-4, Jianshi P-5, Neiguan P-6 and Daling P-7 are  found. 
  • It then reaches Laogong P-8 at the center of the palm. 
  • Finally, it runs along the middle finger and terminates at the tip at Zhongchong P-9


  • One internal branch starts from the center of the chest, the same place as the main pathway. It then penetrates the diaphragm to the abdomen and connects with the Upper, Middle and Lower Burner. 
  • Another internal branch starts from Laogong P-8 at the center of the palm. It runs along the radial aspect of the ring finger and connects with the Triple Burner Primary Channel at the tip. 

Pericardium Divergent Channel

Chinese: 手厥阴经别

Pinyin: Shǒu Jué Yīn Jīng Bié

Pericardium Divergent Channel

Pathway for Pericardium Divergent Channel

  • The Pericardium divergent Channel separates from the Primary Channel from Tianchi P-1, which is 1 cun lateral to the nipple. 
  • It then travels laterally to Yuanye GB-22
  • From  there, it enters the chest to the Heart and separates into two branches: 

Pericardium Sinew Channel

Chinese: 手厥阴经筋

Pinyin: Shǒu Jué Yīn Jīng Jīn

Pathway for Pericardium Sinew Channel

  • The Pericardium Sinew Channel starts from the tip of the middle finger. 
  • It goes along the anterior aspect of the middle finger and then the 3rd metacarpal bone. 
  • Spreading through the palm center, it binds in the middle of the wrist, together with the Lung Sinew Channel
  • It goes up further along the anterior aspect of the forearm and bind at Quze P-3 at the elbow. 
  • Continuing up the anteromedial aspect of the upper arm, it binds at the axilla and passes Yuanye GB-22, which is the meeting point of the three hand Yin Sinew Channels. 
  • From there, the Sinew Channel separates to two branches: 
    • One branch descends and disperses on the anterior, lateral and posterior aspects of the costal region. 
    • The other branch enters the chest, disperses inside the chest cavity and finally binds at the diaphragm. 

Pericardium Luo-Connecting Vessel System

Chinese: 手厥阴络脉

Pinyin: Shǒu Jué Yīn Luò Mài

Pericardium Luo-Connecting Vessel System

Pathway for Pericardium Luo-Connecting Vessel System

  • The Pericardium Luo-Connecting Vessel System originates from Neiguan P-6, which is the Luo-Connecting point of the Primary Channel. 
  • It then runs with the Pericardium Primary Channel up the arm and reaches Shanzhong REN-17 in the center of the chest. It terminates around the Pericardium and the Heart
  • From P-6, one branch forms a three dimensional reticular network with sub branches within the surrounding tissues. They pairs Triple Burner Primary Channel and arrives at the Source-Yuan point of Yangchi TB-4