Tianquan P-2

Chinese: 天泉

Pinyin: Tiān Quán


2 cun below the end of the anterior axillary fold, between the two heads of biceps brachii muscle. 

How to locate

The patient should flex their elbow against force for locating the biceps brachii muscle. 

Tianquan P-2 is between the two heads of the biceps brachii muscle, 2 cun below the end of the anterior axillary fold. 

Tianfu LU-3 is located radial to P-2, on the lateral aspect of the biceps brachii muscle and 1 cun more distally.

Main actions

  1. Opens the chest
  2. Invigorates Blood and eases pain


1–1.5 cun obliquely in a proximal or lateral direction.

Commentary for Tianquan P-2

Tianquan P-2 is mainly used to invigorate Blood so as to remove pain due to Blood Stagnation.

It is more effective around the chest area, so that it can treat various pain of the Heart, chest, back, shoulder, arm and lateral costal region.