Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner


Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner is a pattern of disharmony in Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Medicine views the human body as a complex system that tends toward harmony. A pattern of disharmony is a disorder that prevents that harmony from occurring.

Patterns give rise to symptoms that may at first glance seem unrelated from a Western standpoint but that actually make a lot of sense when one understands Chinese Medicine theory. For instance here Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner gives rise to such diverse symptoms as nausea, vomiting, stifling sensation in the chest and epigastrium and focal distention.

Patterns aren't exactly the Chinese Medicine equivalent to Western diseases, they're rather the underlying causes behind diseases or health conditions. Here Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner is thought to sometimes induce conditions such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, anorexia or acid reflux.

Diagnosing Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner

Treating Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner

Herbal formulas used to treat Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner

Liu Jun Zi Tang

Source date: 1107

Number of ingredients: 6 herbs

Key actions: Tonifies Qi. Strengthens the Spleen and Stomach. Clears Phlegm and mucus. Promotes appetite.

Formula summary

Liu Jun Zi Tang is a 6-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1107, it belongs to the category of formulas that tonify Qi.

Besides Phlegm-Dampness in the Middle-Burner, Liu Jun Zi Tang is also used to treat Qi Deficiency or Spleen and Lung Qi Deficiency.

Read more about Liu Jun Zi Tang

Related conditions

Chronic gastritis Peptic ulcers Anorexia Acid reflux