Early Stage Summerheat with Exterior Wind-Cold

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 暑温初起,复感风寒      Pinyin name: shǔ Wēn Chū Qǐ, Fù Gǎn Fēng Hán

Pattern nature: Full combined pattern

Pattern(s) it combines from: Summer-Heat Wind-Cold


Common causes: 1. Sudden Temperature Changes:, 2. Weakness in Body's Defensive Qi


Common symptoms: Fever Chills Thirst Headaches Heavy body and six other symptoms

Pulse type(s): Floating (Fu)

Tongue coating: Thick white coating

Tongue color: Red


Treatment principle: Clear Summer-Heat, releases the Exterior, transform Dampness

Common formulas: Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin


This pattern in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a condition characterized by an imbalance of Yin and Yang energies, often seen in early summer.

It arises from the accumulation of Damp-Heat in the body, compounded by External Cold or Wind-Cold. This leads to the constriction of protective Yang energy, manifesting as symptoms like chills without sweating, headache, fever, a flushed face, and thirst.

The Damp-Heat specifically affects the Lungs and the Triple Burner, impairing fluid regulation and causing a stifling sensation in the chest and dark, rough urination.


Sudden Temperature Changes: : Transitioning quickly from hot to cold environments can contribute to this condition. For example, staying in a heavily air-conditioned room after being out in the hot sun can lead to the contraction of external cold, trapping the summerheat within.

Weakness in Body's Defensive Qi: If an individual’s protective qi (yang energy) is weak, their body may be more susceptible to external pathogenic factors like wind and cold. A weakened defensive Qi can make it difficult for the body to adapt to environmental changes, leading to the entrapment of heat by cold. Factors like improper diet, overexertion, or lack of proper rest during the summer can weaken the body's defenses, making it more vulnerable to environmental influences.

Diagnosing Early Stage Summerheat with Exterior Wind-Cold

Pulse type(s): Floating (Fu)

Tongue coating: Thick white coating

Tongue color: Red

Main symptoms: Fever Chills Thirst Headaches Heavy body Dark Urine No sweating aching body Flushed face Rough urination Stifling sensation in the chest

Diagnosis commentary: a red tongue with a white, greasy coating, indicative of Heat constrained by Cold and Dampness, and a distinctive pulse pattern, with a flooding pulse signifying internal Heat and a short pulse on the left reflecting the constrained yang energy.

Treating Early Stage Summerheat with Exterior Wind-Cold

Treatment principle

Clear Summer-Heat, releases the Exterior, transform Dampness

Herbal formulas used to treat Early Stage Summerheat with Exterior Wind-Cold

Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin

Source date: 1798 AD

Number of ingredients: 6 herbs

Key actions: Dispels Summerheat. Releases the Exterior. Clears Heat. Transforms Dampness .

Formula summary

Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin is a 6-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1798 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that dispel Summer-Heat and resolve Exterior.

Read more about Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin