Symptom families: Infectious Diseases, Viral Infections

Sub-symptom(s): Early Stage Measles

Did you mean? Rubella

What is Measles?

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection, primarily affecting children. Characterized by symptoms including high fever, cough, runny nose, and a distinctive red rash, measles can lead to serious complications, especially in young children.

The disease spreads through respiratory droplets and, despite the availability of a vaccine, remains a significant public health challenge in many parts of the world. Early stage measles is marked by initial mild symptoms that precede the rash, often making early diagnosis challenging.

How Does TCM View Measles?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets measles as a disturbance caused by external pathogenic factors that invade the body. Contrasting with Western medicine, which focuses on the viral nature of the disease, TCM examines measles through the lens of Qi (vital energy), Nlood, and bodily harmony.

It perceives measles as a result of imbalances and weaknesses in the body's defensive systems, where external factors exploit these vulnerabilities. TCM emphasizes the importance of identifying and treating the underlying pattern of disharmony unique to each individual, rather than solely addressing the overt symptoms.

Root Causes of Measles in TCM

In TCM, the etiology of measles is multifaceted. One common cause is identified as Blood Deficiency, which relates to inadequate nourishment of the body, leading to vulnerability to external pathogens. This condition manifests in various skin-related symptoms, including those seen in measles.

Another TCM cause is the invasion of External Wind, which disturbs the body's Qi and Blood balance, triggering the rash and other symptoms associated with measles. Understanding these causes is crucial in TCM, as it guides the practitioner towards a tailored treatment approach that goes beyond just alleviating symptoms.

Explore below more details about what might cause Measles according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • Blood Deficiency
  • Wind
Detailed description of the cause

Blood Deficiency

Blood Deficiency in TCM is like when your body's tank runs low on the vital energy that blood provides. It's not exactly the same as anemia in modern medicine, which is about having too few red blood cells. Instead, Blood Deficiency in TCM is about your body not having enough of the life-giving qualities that blood brings, like nourishment and moisture. This can make you feel tired, look pale, and even feel dizzy or have blurry vision. It's like a garden not getting enough water to stay lush and vibrant. TCM sees this as an imbalance where the body isn't being nourished as it should be, impacting overall health and well-being.... see more

Blood Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Measles

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Blood Deficiency with External Wind Measles, Eczema, Red skin eruptions, Urticaria, Neurodermatitis, Ichthyosis, Psoriasis, Contact dermatitis, Itchy skin, Hair loss, Carbuncles, Boils, Drug rash, Skin dryness, Itching worsen at nights, Flaking skin... see more Dang Gui Yin Zi
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Wind" is a concept that represents a pattern of disharmony, often characterized by its sudden and unpredictable nature, much like a gusty wind changing direction without warning. This pattern is associated with symptoms that come and go quickly or move around the body, such as itching, tremors, or even certain types of pain. Wind is considered to be a primary cause of illnesses that have these rapidly changing characteristics. In TCM, external Wind often refers to illnesses that start suddenly, like the common cold, believed to be caused by external pathogenic factors like climatic changes. On the other hand, internal Wind can be linked to internal imbalances and can manifest in conditions like dizziness or spasms. ... see more

Wind Patterns That Can Lead to Measles

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Blood Deficiency with External Wind Measles, Eczema, Red skin eruptions, Urticaria, Neurodermatitis, Ichthyosis, Psoriasis, Contact dermatitis, Itchy skin, Hair loss, Carbuncles, Boils, Drug rash, Skin dryness, Itching worsen at nights, Flaking skin... see more Dang Gui Yin Zi

TCM Herbal Formulas for Measles

TCM treatment for measles involves a selection of herbal formulas tailored to the individual's specific pattern of disharmony. For cases identified as stemming from Blood Deficiency, the formula Dang Gui Yin Zi is often recommended.

This formula, with key herbs like Japanese catnip (Jing Jie), works by dredging and dispersing External Wind, aligning with the TCM understanding of measles as an invasion of external pathogenic factors. The chosen herbs and formulas are intended to restore balance, strengthen the body's natural defenses, and address the root causes of the symptoms exhibited in measles.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address measles, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type
  • Blood Deficiency
  • Wind
  • Formulas that clear qi-level heat
  • Formulas that release the exterior and clear the interior
  • Formulas that clear heat and open sensory orifices
  • Formulas that clear wind-Heat
  • Formulas that dredge and disperse external wind
  • Formulas that clear exterior disorders with interior deficiency
  • Formulas that purge heat accumulation
  • Formulas that clear heat and resolve toxicity
  • External formulas for external disorders
  • Formulas that clear heat from the organs

All "formulas that clear qi-level heat" recommended for measles

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Bai Hu Tang Not applicable
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang Not applicable

All "formulas that release the exterior and clear the interior" recommended for measles

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Ge Geng Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang Not applicable
Shi Gao Tang Not applicable

All "formulas that clear heat and open sensory orifices" recommended for measles

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Hui Chun Dan Not applicable
Zi Xue Dan Not applicable

All "formulas that clear wind-Heat" recommended for measles

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang Not applicable
Zhu Ye Cheng Liu Tang Not applicable

TCM Herbs for Measles

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address measles, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Cool/Acrid herbs that release the exterior
  • Warm/Acrid herbs that release the exterior
  • Herbs that clear heat and relieve toxicity
  • Herbs that cool the blood
  • Laxative herbs that drain downward
  • Herbs that expel parasites
  • Herbs that dispel wind and dampness
  • Herbs that clear heat and purge fire and/or clear summer heat
  • Herbs that open the orifices
  • Herbs that pacify internal liver wind and stop tremors

"Cool/Acrid herbs that release the Exterior" recommended for measles

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Bugbane Rhizomes (Sheng Ma) Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Kudzu Roots (Ge Gen) Ge Geng Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang
Greater Burdock Fruits (Niu Bang Zi) Not applicable
Wild Mint (Bo He) Not applicable

"Warm/Acrid herbs that release the Exterior" recommended for measles

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Japanese Catnip (Jing Jie) Dang Gui Yin Zi
Saposhnikovia Roots (Fang Feng) Dang Gui Yin Zi
Ephedra (Ma Huang) Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang
Coriander (Hu Sui) Not applicable

"Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity" recommended for measles

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Honeysuckle Flowers (Jin Yin Hua) Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan | Yin Qiao San
Forsythia Fruits (Lian Qiao) Yin Qiao San
Lithospermum Roots (Zi Cao) Not applicable
Pu'er Tea (Pu er Cha) Not applicable

"Herbs that cool the Blood" recommended for measles

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Ox Gallstones (Niu Huang) Hui Chun Dan
Water Buffalo Horns (Shui Niu Jiao) Zi Xue Dan
Mulberry Bark (Sang Bai Pi) Xie Bai San