Acute Encephalitisaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Brain Disorders

Parent symptom: Encephalitis

What is Acute Encephalitis?

Acute encephalitis is a serious condition characterized by inflammation of the brain, typically caused by viral infections. Symptoms can include fever, headache, confusion, seizures, and even loss of consciousness. This condition requires prompt medical attention as it can lead to severe neurological damage or even death if not treated effectively. Acute encephalitis is a particular form of encephalitis, which encompasses various types of brain inflammation with different causes and symptoms.

How Does TCM View Acute Encephalitis?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acute encephalitis is understood through the concept of patterns of disharmony. Unlike Western medicine, which focuses on specific pathogens and inflammation, TCM considers the underlying imbalances in the body's Qi, Blood, and vital substances.

Symptoms like those seen in acute encephalitis can arise from various patterns of disharmony, making it crucial to identify the correct pattern before initiating treatment. This holistic approach aims to address the root causes of inflammation and restore balance within the body.

Causes of Acute Encephalitis According to TCM

TCM attributes acute encephalitis to several potential patterns of disharmony, such as Phlegm Fire harassing the Pericardium or Heat in the Pericardium. Phlegm Fire harassing the Pericardium results from an accumulation of Phlegm and Heat, leading to symptoms like high fever, delirium, and convulsions. This pattern is often linked to a poor diet and emotional stress that disrupt the body's natural balance.

Another potential cause is Heat in the Pericardium, where excessive Heat invades and disrupts the Pericardium, leading to severe fever, agitation, and unconsciousness. This pattern often arises from external pathogenic factors, such as viral infections, that generate Heat and disturb the body's internal harmony. Identifying these patterns allows TCM practitioners to tailor treatments that address both the symptoms and their underlying causes.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Acute Encephalitis

For treating acute encephalitis, TCM uses specific formulas and herbs based on the identified patterns. Hui Chun Dan, containing Ox Gallstones (Niu Huang), is effective for Phlegm Fire harassing the Pericardium, clearing Heat and resolving Phlegm. Zhi Bao Dan, featuring Water Buffalo Horns (Shui Niu Jiao), addresses Heat in the Pericardium and Phlegm Fire, cooling the Blood and calming the Mind.

Zi Xue Dan, also with Water Buffalo Horns, treats patterns like Heart Fire blazing and Liver Wind, clearing Heat and alleviating convulsions. The choice of formulas depends on the patient’s specific pattern, ensuring personalized and effective treatment.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address acute encephalitis, organized by formula type.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that clear heat and open sensory orifices

TCM Herbs for Acute Encephalitis

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address acute encephalitis, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Herbs that cool the blood
  • Herbs that open the orifices
  • Herbs that pacify internal liver wind and stop tremors

"Herbs that cool the Blood" recommended for acute encephalitis

Herb Formulas they belong to (if applicable)
Water Buffalo Horns (Shui Niu Jiao) Zhi Bao Dan | Zi Xue Dan
Ox Gallstones (Niu Huang) Hui Chun Dan