Chinese herbal medicine database (filtered)
Ci Shi (Magnetite) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Salty Meridians: Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lung Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
Dai Zhe Shi (Hematite) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Stomach, Heart, Liver, Pericardium Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
E Jiao (Donkey-hide gelatin) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Kidney, Liver, Lung Category: Herbs that invigorate the Blood
Fu Shen (Host-wood Poria) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Spleen, Heart Category: Herbs that nourish the Heart and calm the Spirit
Gua Di (Melon stalk) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Stomach Category: Warm herbs that transform Phlegm and stop Cough
Han Shui Shi (Calcitum) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Pungent, Salty Meridians: Heart, Kidney Category: Herbs that clear Heat and purge Fire and/or clear Summer Heat
He Huan Hua (Silktree albizia flower) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
He Huan Pi (Silktree albizia bark) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
Jing Mi (Rice sprout) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Spleen, Stomach Category: Tonic herbs for Qi Deficiency
Ming Fan (Alum) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Pungent, Sour Meridians: Spleen, Large intestine, Liver, Lung Category: Herbs for external application
Mu Tong (Akebia stem) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Heart, Lung, Small intestine Category: Herbs that drain Dampness
Sheng Tie Luo (Oxidized iron filing) Nature: Cool Taste(s): Pungent Meridians: Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit