Chinese herbal medicine database (filtered)
Bai Fu Zi (Giant Typhonium rhizome) Nature: Warm Taste(s): Pungent, Sweet Meridians: Spleen, Stomach, Liver Category: Warm herbs that transform Phlegm and stop Cough
Hu Jiao (Black pepper) Nature: Hot Taste(s): Pungent Meridians: Large intestine, Stomach Category: Herbs that warm the Interior and/or expel Cold
Hu Po (Amber) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Bladder, Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
Jiang Can (Silkworm) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Pungent, Salty Meridians: Liver, Lung Category: Herbs that pacify Internal Liver Wind and stop Tremors
Jin Bo (Gold leaf ) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Heart, Lung Category: Herbs that nourish the Heart and calm the Spirit
Long Chi (Dragon teeth) Nature: Cool Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
Long Gu (Dragon bone) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Heart, Kidney, Liver Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
Shi Chang Pu (Sweetflag rhizome) Nature: Warm Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Stomach, Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that open the Orifices
Tian Ma (Gastrodia rhizome) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Liver Category: Herbs that pacify Internal Liver Wind and stop Tremors
Tian Nan Xing (Arisaema) Nature: Warm Taste(s): Bitter, Pungent Meridians: Category: Warm herbs that transform Phlegm and stop Cough
Wu Gong (Centipede) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Pungent, Salty Meridians: Liver, Lung Category: Herbs that pacify Internal Liver Wind and stop Tremors
Yu Jin (Turmeric tuber) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Bitter, Pungent Meridians: Heart, Liver, Lung Category: Herbs that invigorate the Blood
Zhu Sha (Cinnabar) Nature: Cool Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Heart Category: Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit
Zhu Ya Zao (Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit) Nature: Warm Taste(s): Pungent, Salty Meridians: Large intestine, Lung Category: Warm herbs that transform Phlegm and stop Cough