English: Tortoise plastrons

Chinese: 龟板

Parts used: Carapace and plastron

TCM category: Tonic herbs for Yin Deficiency

TCM nature: Cool

TCM taste(s): SaltySweet

Organ affinity: Heart Kidney Liver

Scientific name: Chinemys reevesii

Other names: Gui Jia

Use of Gui Ban (tortoise plastrons) in TCM

Please note that you should never self-prescribe TCM ingredients. A TCM ingredient is almost never eaten on its own but as part of a formula containing several ingredients that act together. Please consult a professional TCM practitioner, they will be best able to guide you.

Preparation: Extract carapace and plastron, boil in order to clearn thoroughly and dry.

Dosage: 9 - 30 grams

Main actions according to TCM*: Nourishes the Yin and holds down the Yang. Strengthens the Kidneys and strengthens the bones. Cools the Blood, stops uterine bleeding. Nourishes the Heart. Promotes Healing.

Primary conditions or symptoms for which Gui Ban may be prescribed by TCM doctors*: Night sweats Vertigo Tremors Amnesia Hypertension Chronic lower back pain Retarded growth in children Abnormal uterine bleeding Anxiety Insomnia Sores Ulcers

Contraindications*: It is contraindicated during pregnancy and in individuals with Cold and Dampness of the Spleen.

Common TCM formulas in which Gui Ban is used*

Da Bu Yin Wan

Source date: 1481 AD

Number of ingredients: 4 herbs

Formula key actions: Enriches the Yin. Directs fire downward.

Conditions targeted*: TuberculosisBronchiectasis and others

Gui Ban is a king ingredient in Da Bu Yin Wan. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.

In Da Bu Yin Wan, Gui Ban nourishes the Yin and weighs down the floating Yang Fire.

Read more about Da Bu Yin Wan

Gu Jing Wan

Source date: 1481 AD

Number of ingredients: 6 herbs

Formula key actions: Nourishes Yin . Clears Heat. Stops bleeding. Stabilizes the menses.

Conditions targeted*: Dysfunctional uterine bleedingChronic pelvic inflammatory disease and others

Gui Ban is a king ingredient in Gu Jing Wan. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula.

In Gu Jing Wan, Gui Ban is salty, sweet, and cooling. It tonifies the Yin Essence and descends the Fire

The combination of key and deputy herbs controls the Fire (yang) by directing it downward, as well as by fortifying the water (Yin) itself.

Read more about Gu Jing Wan

Sang Piao Xiao San

Source date: 1116 AD

Number of ingredients: 8 herbs

Formula key actions: Regulates and tonifies the Heart and Kidneys. Stabilizes the Essence. Stops leakage.

Conditions targeted*: Pediatric enuresisDiabetes and others

Gui Ban is a deputy ingredient in Sang Piao Xiao San. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.

In Sang Piao Xiao San, Gui Ban enriches the Yin, subdues the Yang, and tonifies the Kidneys.

Read more about Sang Piao Xiao San

Zuo Gui Wan

Source date: 1624 AD

Number of ingredients: 8 herbs

Formula key actions: Nourishes the Yin. Strengthens the Kidneys. Fills the Essence. Augments the marrow.

Conditions targeted*: Chronic bronchitisChronic nephritis and others

Gui Ban is a deputy ingredient in Zuo Gui Wan. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.

In Zuo Gui Wan, Gui Ban sweet, salty, and cooling. Therefore it is able to sedate Liver Yang as well as cool Empty Heat from Yin Deficiency. It pushes the action of the formula even further toward the Essence tonification.

Read more about Zuo Gui Wan

Qing Re Gu Jing Tang

Source date: 1988

Number of ingredients: 11 herbs

Formula key actions: Clears Empty Heat. Tonifies the Kidney Yin. Stops bleeding. Supplies Body Fluids.

Conditions targeted*: MetrorrhagiaThreatened miscarriage and others

Gui Ban is a deputy ingredient in Qing Re Gu Jing Tang. This means it helps the king ingredient(s) treat the main pattern or it serves to treat a coexisting pattern.

In Qing Re Gu Jing Tang, Gui Ban sweet, salty, and cooling. Therefore it is able to sedate Liver Yang as well as cool Empty-Heat from Yin Deficiency

Read more about Qing Re Gu Jing Tang

Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang

Source date: 1918 AD

Number of ingredients: 12 herbs

Formula key actions: Sedates the Liver. Axtinguishes Wind. Nourishes the Yin. Anchors the yang.

Conditions targeted*: HypertensionRenal hypertension and others

Gui Ban is an assistant ingredient in Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity.

In Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang, Gui Ban clears Heat, nourishes the Yin, and enriches the Fluids. This treats the ascendant Liver Yang at the root, which indirectly extinguishes the Wind.

Read more about Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang

He Che Da Zao Wan

Number of ingredients: 11 herbs

Formula key actions: Tonifies the Kidneys. Strengthens the Directing and Penetrating Vessels. Regulates the periods.

In He Che Da Zao Wan, Gui Ban nourishes the Directing and Penetrating Vessels

Read more about He Che Da Zao Wan

Zhu Yu Zhi Xue Tang

Source date: 1826 AD

Number of ingredients: 8 herbs

Formula key actions: Invigorates Blood. Stops bleeding.

In Zhu Yu Zhi Xue Tang, Gui Ban enters the Directing and Penetrating Vessels as well as the Uterus to stop uterine bleeding.

Read more about Zhu Yu Zhi Xue Tang

Key TCM concepts behind Gui Ban's properties

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Gui Ban belongs to the 'Tonic herbs for Yin Deficiency' category. Tonic herbs are used for patterns of Deficiency, when one lacks one of the 'Four Treasures' (Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang). Yin tonics have a heavy, moist nature. They either nourish the Kidneys and Liver or moisten the Lungs and Stomach. Extreme Yin Deficiency often translates into a 'burn-out', unfortunately more and more common among people today. It is worth mentioning that another great remedy against Yin Deficiency is a lot of rest and sleep; no herb will ever be able to replace this!

Furthermore Gui Ban is Cool in nature. This means that Gui Ban tends to help people who have too much 'Heat' in their body, although with less effect than a plant that would be Cold in nature. Balance between Yin and Yang is a key health concept in TCM. Those who have too much Heat in their body are said to either have a Yang Excess (because Yang is Hot in nature) or a Yin deficiency (Yin is Cold in Nature). Depending on your condition Gui Ban can help restore a harmonious balance between Yin and Yang.

Gui Ban also tastes Salty and Sweet. The so-called 'Five Phases' theory in Chinese Medicine states that the taste of TCM ingredients is a key determinant of their action in the body. Salty ingredients like Gui Ban tends to have a draining effect in the body because they clear accumulations, remove Phlegm and soften hard lumps. On the other hand Sweet ingredients tend to slow down acute reactions and detoxify the body. They also have a tonic effect because they replenish Qi and Blood.

The tastes of ingredients in TCM also determine what Organs and Meridians they target. As such Gui Ban is thought to target the Heart, the Kidney and the Liver. In addition to regulating Blood flow, in TCM the Heart is believed to be the store of the 'Mind' which basically refers to someone's vitality. The Kidneys do not only regulate the urinary system but also play a key role in the reproductive system and the growth and aging process of the body. The Liver is often referred as the body's "general" because it is in charge of regulating the movements of Qi and the Body Fluids. It also takes a leading role in balancing our emotions.

Research on Gui Ban

Decoction of turtle shell for anti-fibrosis combined with stronger neo-minophagen C could significantly improve the clinical efficacy and the liver fibrosis indexes and liver function index in chronic hepatitis B.1


1. Zhang L, Chang Y. (2012). Effect of decoction of turtle shell for anti-fibrosis combined with stronger neo-minophagen C on indices of hepatic fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. , 37(2):258-61.