Qiangu SI-2

Chinese: 前谷

Pinyin: Qián Gǔ


On the ulnar aspect of the little finger, distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint, at the junction of the shaft and the base of the proximal phalanx. 

How to locate

On the ulnar aspect of the little finger, palpate along the border of the ‘red and white’ skin in the direction of the metacarpophalangeal joint, until you can clearly feel the junction between the shaft and the base. Qiangu SI-2 is located at the junction of the shaft and the base and slightly inferior (palmar) to the exterior curvature of the bone.

Main actions

  1. Expels Wind-Heat
  2. Opens the chest
  3. Benefits eyes, nose and ears


0.2–0.5 cun obliquely in a proximal or distal direction and slightly towards the palm. 

Commentary for Qiangu SI-2

Qiangu SI-2 is able to clear both Interior and Exterior Heat, like all Spring-Ying point. It is especially effective in expelling Exterior Wind-Heat, so as to treat symptoms such as mumps, aversion to cold, fever, febrille disease or cough. 

Another important function of SI-2 is to open the Channel by removing the Obstructions. Therefore, it can ease a wide range of pain or stiffness in areas like the neck, upper back, scapula, arm, wrist or little finger. 

It also benefits eyes, nose and ears by clearing Heat