Symptom family: Urinary Tract Infections and Inflammations
Sub-symptom(s): Gonococcal Urethritis Chronic Urethritis
Did you mean? Urinary Tract Infection
Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra, the duct through which urine exits the body. It's commonly caused by bacterial infection and can lead to symptoms such as pain during urination and an increased urge to urinate.
Urethritis can be classified as either gonococcal or non-gonococcal, depending on the type of bacteria responsible for the infection, and can present as an acute or chronic condition. Effective treatment is crucial to prevent complications, such as the spread of infection to the bladder or kidneys.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches urethritis as an imbalance within the body's energy systems, particularly a disharmony in the Bladder, and Kidney.
TCM does not merely treat the symptoms of urethritis but seeks to understand the underlying patterns of disharmony such as Damp-Heat, that are believed to cause the condition. Identifying these patterns is fundamental to TCM treatment, as it aims to restore balance and proper energy flow, thereby alleviating the condition.
TCM posits that urethritis may arise from several internal disharmonies, most notably Damp-Heat in the Bladder. Damp-Heat can accumulate and cause inflammation and pain, symptomatic of acute urethritis.
Liver Qi Stagnation, on the other hand, can disrupt the regulation of Qi flow in the genital area, leading to chronic manifestations of urethritis. Treatment in TCM focuses on dispelling Damp-Heat and promoting the smooth flow of Liver Qi to address both the symptoms and their root causes.
For the treatment of urethritis, TCM recommends several formulas that correspond with the diagnosed patterns. Ba Zheng San, which includes the herb Chinese Pink (Qu Mai), is traditionally used for clearing Damp-Heat from the Bladder, ideal for acute cases characterized by painful urination.
Additionally, Liu Yi San, with its key ingredient Talc (Hua Shi), is effective in treating Damp-Heat conditions, particularly in the summer when heat tends to accumulate. These formulas are carefully chosen based on the patient's specific TCM pattern to ensure the treatment is targeted and effective.
Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address urethritis, organized by formula type.
Urethritis can be treated by formulas that clear Heat and expel dampness if it results from heat combined with damp conditions in the body.
One such formula is Ba Zheng San, with chinese pink herb as a key herb.
Other formulas of this category are listed in the table below.
Formula | Key herbs |
Ba Zheng San | Chinese Pink Herbs (Qu Mai), Knotgrass (Bian Xu) |
Shi Wei San | |
Wu Lin San | Cape Jasmine Fruits (Zhi Zi) |
Urethritis can be treated by these formulas when the symptom is caused by summer heat combined with dampness accumulation, requiring actions that both cool and resolve dampness.
One such formula is Liu Yi San, with talc as a key herb.
Urethritis can be treated by these formulas if it arises from poor blood circulation or stagnation of blood, which often manifests in pain or swelling.
One such formula is Tao He Cheng Qi Tang, with peach kernel as a key herb.
Urethritis can be treated by these formulas if it stems from a depletion of Yang energy, requiring actions that warm and strengthen Yang.
One such formula is Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, with prepared aconite as a key herb.
Urethritis can be treated by these formulas if it results from Qi deficiency, necessitating treatments that boost the body's vital energy.
One such formula is Yu Ping Feng San, with milkvetch root as a key herb.
In TCM, acupuncture is also employed to treat urethritis, with acupoints selected to match the underlying disharmony. For issues of Damp-Heat and channel obstructions, Huantiao GB-30 on the Gall Bladder Channel can be beneficial. Zulingqi GB-41 is often chosen to subdue Liver Qi Stagnation and clear Heat from the Gall Bladder Channel, which can be particularly useful for chronic urethritis.
Additionally, Shuiquan KID-5 on the Kidney Channel may be utilized to benefit urination and regulate the reproductive system. These acupoints are integral to the multi-faceted TCM approach to treating urethritis, aiming to restore harmony and health.
Explore below some acupoints used to address urethritis, organized by meridian.
At the junction of the middle and lateral third of the distance between the great trochanter and Yaoshu DU-2 of the hiatus of the sacrum. When locating the point, put the patient in lateral recumbent position with the thigh flexed.
In the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of extensor digitorum longus muscle of the foot.
1 cun directly below Taixi KID-3, in the depression over the joint space between the talus and calcaneus.
Explore below some TCM herbs used to address urethritis, organized by herb category.
Urethritis can be treated by these herbs when caused by excessive dampness in the body, aiding in eliminating damp through diuretic action.
One such herb is Chinese Pink Herbs (Qu Mai), a key herb in some formulas recommended for urethritis, like Ba Zheng San.
Other herbs of this category are listed in the table below.
Herb | Formulas they belong to (if applicable) |
Chinese Pink Herbs (Qu Mai) | Ba Zheng San |
Knotgrass (Bian Xu) | Ba Zheng San |
Talc (Hua Shi) | Liu Yi San |
Japanese Climbing Fern Spores (Hai Jin Sha) | Not applicable |
Lingonberry (Yue Ju) | Not applicable |
Urethritis can be treated by these herbs when it arises from excessive internal heat or fire, aiding in cooling the body and balancing internal temperature.
One such herb is Cape Jasmine Fruits (Zhi Zi), a key herb in some formulas recommended for urethritis, like Wu Lin San.
Urethritis can be treated by these herbs when it stems from stagnation or poor circulation of blood, helping to improve blood flow and alleviate related discomfort.
One such herb is Peach Kernels (Tao Ren), a key herb in some formulas recommended for urethritis, like Tao He Cheng Qi Tang.
Urethritis can be treated by these herbs in cases of severe constipation or internal heat, using strong downward movement to purge accumulation.
One such herb is Rhubarb (Da Huang), a key herb in some formulas recommended for urethritis, like Tao He Cheng Qi Tang.
Urethritis can be treated by these herbs if it is due to internal coldness or deficient Yang energy, working to warm the body and dispel cold.
One such herb is Prepared Aconite (Zhi Fu Zi), a key herb in some formulas recommended for urethritis, like Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan.
Urethritis can be treated by these herbs when there is a need to dispel external cold and warm the body, especially in cases where there is insufficient Yang energy internally.
One such herb is Cinnamon Twigs (Gui Zhi), a key herb in some formulas recommended for urethritis, like Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan.
Urethritis can be treated by these herbs when stemming from a lack of vital energy or Qi, helping to boost energy and overall vitality.
One such herb is Milkvetch Roots (Huang Qi), a key herb in some formulas recommended for urethritis, like Yu Ping Feng San.