Chinese herbal medicine database (filtered)
Chong Lou (Paris rhizome) Nature: Cool Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Liver Category: Herbs that clear Heat and relieve Toxicity
Da Huang (Rhubarb) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Spleen, Stomach, Large intestine, Liver, Pericardium Category: Purgative herbs that drain downward
Da Ji (Japanese thistle) Nature: Cool Taste(s): Bitter, Sweet Meridians: Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that stop bleeding
Pu Huang (Cattail pollen) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Sweet Meridians: Spleen, Heart, Liver, Pericardium Category: Herbs that stop bleeding
Qian Cao (Indian madder root) Nature: Cold Taste(s): Bitter Meridians: Liver Category: Herbs that cool the Blood
Ru Xiang (Frankincense) Nature: Warm Taste(s): Bitter, Pungent Meridians: Spleen, Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that invigorate the Blood
San Qi (Tienchi ginseng) Nature: Warm Taste(s): Bitter, Sweet Meridians: Stomach, Liver Category: Herbs that stop bleeding
Xue Jie (Dragon's blood) Nature: Neutral Taste(s): Salty, Sweet Meridians: Heart, Liver Category: Herbs that invigorate the Blood