Wind-Cold-Water invading the Lungs

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 水寒射肺      Pinyin name: Shuǐ Hán Shè Fèi

Pattern nature: Full


Common causes: External Wind, Cold and Dampness


Common symptoms: Fever Cough Eye swelling Oedema of face Shiny complexion and three other symptoms

Pulse type(s): Slippery (Hua), Floating (Fu)

Tongue description: Sticky white coating


Treatment principle: Release the Exterior, expel Cold, resolve Dampness, restore the descending of Lung Qi and open the Water passages.

Common formulas: Xiao Qing Long Tang


This Exterior pattern is similar to Wind-Cold invading the Lungs, but there are also Dampness related symptoms in addition. It is because the water passages controlling function of the Lungs are damaged and it causes symptoms like facial or eye swelling. 

The Wind, Cold and Damp obstruct the Lungs' Defensive Qi so that it can not go downwards properly, hence the coughing and slight breathlessness. Body Fluids also fails to descend properly and it gives rise to scanty urination below and facial edema on top. The obstructed Qi also harms Yang, thus the pale urine color and bright shiny face. 

The Circulation of Defense Qi is disturbed so that it can not be dispersed to the space between the skin and muscles to warm them. Therefore the patients dislike cold and windy environment. 

The Defense Qi reacts to the Wind-Cold-Damp invasion and it causes fever. This TCM concept is very similar to how the immune system reacts to bacteria or virus attack in Western Medicine. 

The sticky tongue coating and Slippery pulse indicates Dampness. 


External Wind, Cold and Dampness:

Diagnosing Wind-Cold-Water invading the Lungs

Pulse type(s): Slippery (Hua) or floating (Fu)

Tongue description: Sticky white coating

Main symptoms: Fever Cough Eye swelling Oedema of face Shiny complexion Aversion to cold Shortness of breath Scanty clear urination

Diagnosis commentary: Key characteristic symptoms of this pattern are the aversion to cold, sudden swelling of eye and face, fever and Floating-Slippery pulse.

Treating Wind-Cold-Water invading the Lungs

Treatment principle

Release the Exterior, expel Cold, resolve Dampness, restore the descending of Lung Qi and open the Water passages.

Herbal formulas used to treat Wind-Cold-Water invading the Lungs

Xiao Qing Long Tang

Source date: 220 AD

Number of ingredients: 8 herbs

Key actions: Releases the Exterior. Transforms Phlegm-Fluids. Warms the Lungs. Directs Rebellious Qi downward.

Formula summary

Xiao Qing Long Tang is a 8-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 220 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that clear Wind-Cold.

Besides Wind-Cold-Water invading the Lungs, Xiao Qing Long Tang is also used to treat Phlegm-Fluids in the limbs or Phlegm-Fluids above the diaphragm.

Read more about Xiao Qing Long Tang

Diet recommendations

Avoid being in an damp, windy and cold environment.