Pain Relieved By Pressure And Coldaccording to TCM

What is Pain Relieved by Pressure and Cold?

Pain relieved by pressure and cold refers to a type of discomfort that diminishes when pressure is applied or when cold is used on the affected area. This kind of pain can arise from various conditions, including muscle strains, inflammations, and certain types of injuries. The application of pressure and cold can help reduce inflammation, numb the area, and alleviate the sensation of pain, providing temporary relief.

How Does TCM View Pain Relieved by Pressure and Cold?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pain relieved by pressure and cold is seen through the lens of internal imbalances and disharmonies within the body. Unlike Western medicine, which often focuses on the localized treatment of symptoms, TCM considers the body's holistic state. Various patterns of disharmony, such as Yin Deficiency or Qi Stagnation, can manifest in symptoms like this, making it essential to identify the correct underlying pattern to provide effective treatment.

Root Causes of Pain Relieved By Pressure And Cold in TCM

One common cause of pain relieved by pressure and cold in TCM is Yin Deficiency. This condition is characterized by a lack of cooling, nourishing fluids in the body, leading to symptoms such as heat sensation in the palms, emaciation, sore throat at night, thirst, anxiety, scanty and dark urine, and dry stools. When Yin is deficient, the body becomes overheated and prone to pain, which can be temporarily relieved by the cooling effect of cold and the stabilizing effect of pressure.

Explore below more details about what might cause Pain relieved by pressure and cold according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • Yin Deficiency
Detailed description of the cause

Yin Deficiency

Yin deficiency in TCM is a pattern of disharmony characterized by a depletion of the body's Yin energy, which represents the cooling, moistening, and nurturing aspects of our physiology. This condition often arises from factors like chronic stress, overwork, insufficient rest, or prolonged illness. Symptoms of Yin deficiency can include a sensation of heat, especially in the afternoon or evening, night sweats, insomnia, a dry mouth or throat, and a red tongue with little coating. There might also be a general feeling of restlessness or irritability. Since Yin is essential for balancing the body's active and warm Yang energy, its deficiency leads to a relative excess of Yang, manifesting as heat or dryness symptoms.... see more

Yin Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Pain Relieved By Pressure And Cold

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Yin Deficiency Pain relieved by pressure and cold, Heat sensation in palms, Emaciation, Sore throat at night, Thirst, Anxiety, Jumpy, Scanty and dark urine, Dry stools, Dry mouth and throat at night, Nocturnal emission, Preference for sipping... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zuo Gui Wan | Mu Li San | Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang

TCM Herbal Formulas for Pain Relieved By Pressure And Cold

To treat pain relieved by pressure and cold, TCM practitioners recommend specific formulas and herbs based on the identified pattern. For Yin Deficiency, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is a commonly used formula. It includes Prepared Rehmannia (Shu Di huang) as a key herb, which helps nourish Yin and tonify the body's fluids. Another effective formula for this pattern is Zuo Gui Wan, which also uses Prepared rehmannia to enhance Yin and provide deep nourishment.

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address pain relieved by pressure and cold, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type
  • Yin Deficiency
  • Formulas that nourish yin and tonify
  • Formulas that stabilize exterior and stop sweating
  • Formulas that simultaneously attack and tonify

All Formulas Recommended for Pain Relieved By Pressure And Cold Caused by Yin Deficiency

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Yin Deficiency
Zuo Gui Wan Yin Deficiency
Mu Li San Yin Deficiency
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang Yin Deficiency

All "formulas that nourish yin and tonify" recommended for pain relieved by pressure and cold

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Yin Deficiency
Zuo Gui Wan Yin Deficiency

TCM Herbs for Pain Relieved By Pressure And Cold

Explore below some TCM herbs used to address pain relieved by pressure and cold, organized by herb category.

  • By Herb Category
  • Tonic herbs for blood deficiency
  • Herbs that anchor and calm the spirit
  • Herbs that cool the blood