Nausea Due To Hangoveraccording to TCM

Symptom families: Nausea and Vomiting, Alcohol-Related Conditions

Parent symptom: Hangover

What is Nausea Due to Hangover?

Nausea due to hangover is a common symptom experienced after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. This discomfort arises as the body attempts to metabolize and eliminate alcohol and its byproducts, leading to a range of unpleasant physical sensations, including queasiness and an urge to vomit. Synonymous with hangover-induced nausea and sickness from excessive alcohol consumption, this symptom underscores the body's reaction to the toxic effects of alcohol.

How does TCM View Nausea Due to Hangover?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets nausea due to hangover through the lens of imbalance and disharmony within the body's energetic systems. Specifically, TCM regards this form of nausea as a disturbance to the Stomach's Qi, often exacerbated by the presence of Damp-Heat, resulting from alcohol's toxic impact on the body. This perspective emphasizes the importance of diagnosing the underlying pattern of disharmony to effectively address and alleviate the symptom.

Causes of Nausea Due to Hangover According to TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) explains nausea following excessive alcohol consumption as primarily resulting from the disruption of internal balance by specific pathological patterns. Among these, Bright Yang Stomach Heat and Damp-Heat in the Stomach and Spleen stand out as key contributors. Alcohol's heating nature inflames the stomach lining, leading to what TCM terms as Bright Yang Stomach Heat, characterized by intense thirst, a burning sensation in the stomach, and, consequently, nausea.

Simultaneously, alcohol’s ability to generate internal Dampness couples with this Heat, further complicating the condition with symptoms like a feeling of heaviness, lethargy, and continued nausea. These patterns highlight the body's distress signals in response to the toxic impact of alcohol.

TCM Herbs for Nausea Due To Hangover

In addressing hangover-induced nausea from a TCM perspective, selecting the right herbs is crucial for mitigating the underlying imbalances. Kudzu Flowers (Ge Hua) emerge as a highly effective choice for combating the Bright Yang Stomach Heat and Damp-Heat in the Stomach and Spleen.

Known for their Sweet and Cool properties, Kudzu Flowers directly target the stomach and spleen, helping to cool down excessive Heat, expel Dampness, and restore the smooth flow of Qi. This herb not only alleviates the immediate discomfort of nausea but also aids in the overall recovery process by addressing the root causes of the disharmony induced by alcohol consumption.In addressing hangover-induced nausea from a TCM perspective, selecting the right herbs is crucial for mitigating the underlying imbalances.

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