Liver Atrophyaccording to TCM

What is Liver Atrophy?

Liver atrophy, also known as hepatic atrophy, is a condition characterized by the shrinkage or reduction in size of the liver. This condition can result from various causes, including chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, or prolonged exposure to toxins. Liver atrophy often leads to a decline in liver function, which can manifest in symptoms such as jaundice, abdominal pain, fatigue, and swelling in the lower extremities. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to manage the condition and prevent further liver damage.

How does TCM view Liver Atrophy?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views liver atrophy as a manifestation of deeper imbalances within the body. Unlike Western medicine, which focuses on the structural changes in the Liver, TCM considers patterns of disharmony such as Damp-Heat accumulation. The pattern disrupt the normal flow of Qi and Blood, leading to the deterioration of Liver function. Identifying the specific pattern of disharmony is essential for effective treatment, as TCM aims to address the root cause of the condition and restore balance within the body.

Causes of Liver Atrophy According to TCM

In TCM, liver atrophy can often be attributed to patterns such as Damp-Heat in the Liver or Damp-Heat in the Gallbladder. Damp-Heat in the Liver typically presents with symptoms like jaundice, bitter taste, and hypochondriac pain, indicating that the accumulated Heat and Dampness are obstructing the flow of Qi and Blood.

Similarly, Damp-Heat in the Gallbladder can cause symptoms such as nausea, yellow sclera, and abdominal distension, reflecting the Stagnation and inflammation within the Liver and Gallbladder. Recognizing these patterns is essential for tailoring the appropriate treatment.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Liver Atrophy

Treating liver atrophy in TCM involves using herbal formulas that address the specific patterns of disharmony. For patterns involving Damp-Heat in the Liver and Damp-Heat in the Gallbladder, Yin Chen Hao Tang is frequently recommended. This formula includes Virgate wormwood (Yin Chen), a bitter, pungent, and cool herb, which is effective in clearing Heat and expelling Dampness.

The selection of the formula and herbs is based on the patient’s specific pattern, ensuring a personalized and effective approach to treatment. By targeting the root cause, TCM aims to restore balance and enhance overall liver health.

See more details below about Yin Chen Hao Tang, a herbal formula used to address liver atrophy.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that clear heat and expel dampness

TCM Herbs for Liver Atrophy

See more details below about Virgate Wormwood (Yin Chen), a herb used to address liver atrophy.

  • By Herb Category
  • Herbs that drain dampness