Cold Sensation In Intestinesaccording to TCM

What is Cold Sensation in Intestines?

Experiencing a cold sensation in the intestines is akin to feeling an internal chill within the digestive tract, distinct from the ambient temperature of one's surroundings. This sensation can be unsettling, often described as a coldness creeping through the intestines. It's not merely a discomfort but can indicate underlying issues that may need attention. While somewhat descriptive in nature, terms like "cold intestines" or "feeling of cold in the intestines" hint at a condition where the body's internal warmth fails to permeate the abdominal area, leading to a peculiar internal coldness.

How does TCM view Cold Sensation in Intestines?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets a cold sensation in the intestines as an imbalance within the body's harmonious state, specifically relating to the concepts of Qi (vital energy) and Yang (the warming energy). This condition is often thought to arise from an Excess of Cold or a Deficiency in the body's Yang energy, disrupting the normal function of the intestines and the digestive system at large.

In TCM, the emphasis is placed on identifying the root cause of the imbalance—whether it's an external invasion of Cold or an internal Deficiency—that leads to this unusual sensation. Recognizing the specific pattern of disharmony is crucial for effective treatment, as it guides the practitioner in selecting the most appropriate therapeutic strategy to restore warmth and balance to the intestines.

Acupoints for Cold Sensation In Intestines

In addressing the cold sensation in the intestines through TCM, particular acupoints along the Bladder Channel can be of significant benefit. One such point is Zhonglushu BL-29, located at the level of the 3rd posterior sacral foramen, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline. Stimulating this point is said to benefit the lumbar region significantly and expel Coldness, directly counteracting the sensation of cold in the intestines.

By focusing on such specific acupoints, TCM offers a targeted approach to alleviating the discomfort associated with this condition, aiming to restore the body's natural warmth and energy flow through the digestive system.

See more details below about Zhonglushu BL-29, an acupoint used to address cold sensation in intestines.

  • By Meridian
  • Bladder Channel
Zhonglushu BL-29

Zhonglushu BL-29

At the level of the 3rd posterior sacral foramen, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline.