Painful And Swollen Breastsaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Female Breast Conditions

What is Painful and Swollen Breasts?

Painful and swollen breasts, medically known as mastalgia and breast edema, can be alarming and uncomfortable experiences for women. This condition is characterized by a feeling of heaviness, tenderness, and a visible increase in breast size. These symptoms may arise cyclically, in relation to the menstrual cycle, or non-cyclically, due to various other factors including dietary changes, medication, or underlying health conditions. It is essential to discern the root cause of these symptoms to provide appropriate care and relief.

How does TCM view Painful and Swollen Breasts?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets painful and swollen breasts as a sign of disrupted energy flow, or Qi, and an imbalance between the body's natural systems. This condition is not seen merely as a localized issue but rather as an indicator of systemic disharmony.

TCM practitioners would aim to diagnose the underlying pattern, whether it be stagnant Qi or an accumulation of Dampness, to tailor a treatment strategy that restores equilibrium and addresses both the symptoms and their source.

Causes of Painful and Swollen Breasts According to TCM

In TCM, painful and swollen breasts are often seen as a consequence of two primary imbalances: Qi Stagnation, particularly in the Liver channel, which can lead to emotional unease and physical tension manifesting in the chest, and Dampness, which causes fluid accumulation and swelling. Recognizing the exact pattern is crucial, as TCM advocates for treating the individual's unique balance of energies, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

TCM Herbs for Painful And Swollen Breasts

To alleviate painful and swollen breasts, TCM prescribes specific herbs based on their energetic properties and organ affinities. Chinese Senega Roots are used to dispel Phlegm blocking the Heart's energy, while Green Tangerine Peel is selected to ease Liver Qi Stagnation, often associated with emotional stress. Mallow seeds may be utilized to resolve Dampness, addressing the fluid retention that contributes to swelling. These herbs are part of a holistic treatment plan, considering the patient's overall pattern of disharmony.

  • By Herb Category
  • Herbs that nourish the heart and calm the spirit
  • Herbs that regulate qi
  • Herbs that drain dampness