Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency

At a glance

Key attributes

Chinese name: 肺肾阴虚      Pinyin name: Fèi Shèn Yīn Xū

Pattern nature: Empty combined pattern

Pattern(s) it combines from: Kidney Yin Deficiency Lung Yin Deficiency


Precursor patterns: Kidney Yin Deficiency Lung Yin Deficiency

Common causes: 1. Emotional problems, 2. Overwork, 3. Excessive sexual activity, 4. Depletion of Body Fluids, 5. Blood loss, 6. Chronic illness, 7. Overdose of Kidney-Yang tonic herbs, 8. Diet lacking in Blood-forming foods


Common symptoms: Tinnitus Dizziness Dry mouth Thin body Dry throat and six other symptoms

Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu), Empty (Xu), Floating (Fu)

Tongue description: Normal-coloured without coating or with rootless coating


Treatment principle: Nourish Lung and Kidney Yin, nourish Body Fluids.

Common formulas: Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan


The Lungs and Kidneys coordinate to promote movement of respiration. The Lungs rule Qi and respiration, perform the function of respiration and send Qi down to the Kidneys. The Kidneys then hold the Qi down and thus control and promote inspiration.

The Yin Deficiency here means this mechanism is deficient, leading to the symptom of breathlessness on exertion.

The Lungs also send Fluids down to the Kidneys, which evaporates some of it and sends that vapor back up to the Lungs to keep them moist. A dysfunction of either Organ can impair Fluid metabolism in the body, often leading to a Deficiency of Lung Yin from lack of moisture returning to the Lungs.

This is what we see with the symptoms of dry cough, mouth and throat.

All the other symptoms are typical of Kidney Yin Deficiency: night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing difficulties, scanty urination.


Precursor patterns: Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency can derive from Kidney Yin Deficiency Lung Yin Deficiency

Emotional problems: Anger, frustration and depression may over the long-term lead to this pattern.

Overwork: Working excessively long hours for many years weakens Kidney Yin and may lead to this pattern

Excessive sexual activity: Excessive sexual activity, especially masturbation, depletes Kidney Essence and Kidney Yin.

Depletion of Body Fluids: Depletion of Body Fluids, for instance if they are dried up by Heat after a febrile disease, may lead to Kidney Yin Deficiency.

Blood loss: Loss of blood over a long period of time (such as from chronic excessive menstrual bleeding) can cause Liver Blood Deficiency, which, in turn, can lead deplete Kidney Yin.

Chronic illness: A long chronic illness may lead to Kidney Yin Deficiency.

Overdose of Kidney-Yang tonic herbs: If Kidney Yang is overstimulated by the administration of hot herbal medicine, Kidney-Yin will be injured

Diet lacking in Blood-forming foods: A diet poor in nourishment or lacking in Blood-forming foods (such as meat and grains) can lead to Liver Blood Deficiency and subsequently this pattern

Diagnosing Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency

Pulse type(s): Rapid (Shu), empty (Xu) or floating (Fu)

Tongue description: Normal-coloured without coating or with rootless coating

Main symptoms: Tinnitus Dizziness Dry mouth Thin body Dry throat Night sweats Lower back pain Scanty urination Diminished hearing Shortness of breath on exertion Dry cough which is worse in the evening

Diagnosis commentary: A dry cough, tinnitus and a tongue without coating are enough in and of themselves to diagnose Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency. Together with night sweats and dizziness they're they main characteristic symptoms of this pattern.

Treating Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency

Treatment principle

Nourish Lung and Kidney Yin, nourish Body Fluids.

Herbal formulas used to treat Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency

Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan

Source date: 1615 AD

Number of ingredients: 8 herbs

Key actions: Treats Yin Deficiency of the Lungs and Kidneys.

Formula summary

Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan is a 8-ingredient Chinese Medicine formula. Invented in 1615 AD, it belongs to the category of formulas that nourish Yin and tonify.

Read more about Ba Xian Chang Shou Wan

Diet recommendations

Eat plenty of grains, vegetables and a little meat (preferably white meat). Avoid spicy, greasy and fried foods, caffeinated foods and drinks including coffee, black tea, cocoa, alcohol, drugs, chips of all kinds, turkey and red meats.

Rest is extremely important in nourishing Yin, as is meditation, contemplation and prayer. Avoid excessive mental and sexual activity as well as overwork.

When it comes to exercise stretching and light movement are beneficial, such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, swimming and walking.

Consequence patterns


The most common consequence of this pattern is the development of Empty-Heat

Heat in the Blood

If left untreated Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency can lead to Heat in the Blood