Swollen Elbowaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Elbow issues

Did you mean? Elbow Pain

What is Swollen Elbow?

Swollen elbow, medically recognized as elbow edema, refers to the accumulation of fluid or inflammation in the elbow joint. This condition manifests as an apparent enlargement of the elbow, often accompanied by discomfort, limited mobility, and sometimes redness or warmth to the touch.

Commonly linked to injury, arthritis, infections, or an underlying systemic condition, a swollen elbow can significantly impact daily activities and range of motion.

TCM Perspective on Swollen Elbow

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets a swollen elbow through the lens of energy flow and balance within the body. In TCM, swelling is often seen as a result of Qi (vital energy) stagnation, Blood Stagnation, or the invasion of external pathogenic factors like Wind, Cold, or Dampness.

These imbalances obstruct the smooth flow of Qi and Blood in the Channel, leading to accumulation and swelling in specific areas like the elbow. TCM treatment strategies aim to restore balance, improve circulation, and remove blockages to alleviate symptoms.

Recommended Acupoints for Swollen Elbow in TCM

In addressing swollen elbow, TCM heavily relies on acupoint therapy, which includes acupuncture and acupressure, to stimulate specific points and restore harmony. One notable acupoint in the Small Intestine Channel is Yanglao SI-6. Located dorsal to the head of the ulna, this point is activated when the palm faces the chest, positioned in the depression on the radial side of the styloid process of the ulna.

Stimulating Yanglao SI-6 is believed to open the channel, easing pain associated with elbow swelling, and also benefits the eyes. This approach reflects TCM's holistic treatment philosophy, where alleviating a localized symptom like a swollen elbow involves addressing the overall flow of energy in related Channels.

Acupoints for Swollen Elbow

See more details below about Yanglao SI-6, an acupoint used to address swollen elbow.

  • By Meridian
  • Small Intestine Channel
Yanglao SI-6

Yanglao SI-6

Dorsal to the head of the ulna. When the palm faces the chest, Yanglao SI-6 is in the bony depression on the radial side of the styloid process of the ulna.