Renal Colicaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Kidney and Nephritic Disorders

Did you mean? Flank Pain

What is Renal Colic?

Renal colic is a severe pain that typically originates in the lower back and sides, near the kidneys. It's often caused by kidney stones that block the flow of urine, leading to intense, sharp pain. The discomfort can vary in intensity and may come in waves. Symptoms accompanying renal colic can include nausea, vomiting, and a frequent urge to urinate. The condition is known for its sudden onset and can be excruciating, prompting individuals to seek immediate medical attention.

How Does TCM View Renal Colic?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches renal colic as a symptom indicative of underlying imbalances and disharmonies within the body's energy systems. Unlike Western medicine, which primarily attributes renal colic to physical blockages like kidney stones, TCM considers factors such as the disruption of Qi (vital energy) flow, imbalance of Yin and Yang, and the presence of pathogenic factors like Dampness or Heat. TCM emphasizes that understanding and treating these underlying patterns is essential for effectively managing renal colic.

Causes of Renal Colic According to TCM

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), renal colic is often attributed to the invasion of Wind-Cold coupled with underlying Yang Deficiency internally. This specific pattern reflects an imbalance where the body's defensive energy is weakened, making it susceptible to external pathogenic factors like Wind and Cold.

These external forces invade the body, particularly affecting the urinary tract and kidneys. The presence of Yang Deficiency implies a diminished warming and transformative function of the body, which can lead to a stagnation of fluids and the formation of kidney stones, manifesting as the sharp, intense pain characteristic of renal colic. This TCM perspective highlights the importance of not only treating the symptoms but also addressing the fundamental imbalance to effectively manage and prevent renal colic.

TCM Herbal Formulas for Renal Colic

TCM treats renal colic using specific formulas and herbs tailored to the individual's pattern of disharmony. For patterns such as Wind-Cold invasion with Yang Deficiency, a formula like Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang, which includes Ephedra, is used to clear exterior disorders and support Interior Deficiency.

The choice of formula and herbs depends on the patient’s specific symptoms and underlying TCM diagnosis, underscoring the personalized nature of TCM treatment. This approach aims to not only alleviate the pain of renal colic but also address the root causes to prevent recurrence.

See more details below about Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang, a herbal formula used to address renal colic.

  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that clear exterior disorders with interior deficiency

TCM Herbs for Renal Colic

See more details below about Ephedra (Ma Huang), a herb used to address renal colic.

  • By Herb Category
  • Warm/Acrid herbs that release the exterior