Jaw Dislocationaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Jaw Conditions and Symptoms

Did you mean? Jaw Pain

What is Jaw Dislocation?

Jaw dislocation occurs when the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) – the hinge connecting the jaw to the skull – becomes displaced, often due to excessive opening of the mouth, trauma, or dental procedures. This condition can cause an inability to close the mouth, misalignment of the teeth, and pain that ranges from dull to excruciating.

A dislocated jaw may also lead to swelling, asymmetry of the face, and difficulty speaking or swallowing, requiring immediate medical attention to realign and stabilize the joint.

How does TCM view Jaw Dislocation?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches jaw dislocation not just as a physical misalignment but as an energetic and systemic imbalance. This perspective emphasizes the flow of Qi and Blood within the Channels that traverse the jaw area, especially the Stomach and Gallbladder channels.

TCM practitioners look beyond the local manifestation of the dislocation, considering contributing factors such as underlying Qi Deficiency, Blood Stasis, or invasion of external pathogenic factors like Wind-Cold that can lead to Stagnation and disrupt the harmonious functions of the muscles and tendons. Identifying the specific TCM pattern at play is pivotal for choosing the appropriate treatment strategy.

Acupoints for Jaw Dislocation

Acupuncture plays a significant role in TCM management of jaw dislocation. Specific acupoints are chosen for their proximity to the affected area and their ability to promote healing. For example, Xiaguan ST-7, positioned at the juncture where the jaw meets the ear, is traditionally stimulated to alleviate pain and help in managing the musculoskeletal issues associated with jaw dislocation.

This point is also believed to address obstructions within the meridian pathway, encouraging the restoration of proper Qi flow and aiding in the reduction of inflammation and Wind, which in TCM terms, is often a culprit in sudden pain and immobility. The ultimate goal is to re-establish balance and facilitate the body's natural healing processes.

See more details below about Xiaguan ST-7, an acupoint used to address jaw dislocation.

  • By Meridian
  • Stomach Channel
Xiaguan ST-7

Xiaguan ST-7

In the depression at the lower border of the zygomatic arch, anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible. Xiaguan ST-7 is located when the mouth is closed.