Heat Sensation In Palmsaccording to TCM

Symptom family: Heat Sensations in Extremities

Did you mean? Hot Palms And Soles

Root Causes of Heat Sensation In Palms in TCM

Explore below more details about what might cause Heat sensation in palms according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
  • By Organ
  • Kidney
  • Heart
Detailed description of the cause

Yin Deficiency

Yin deficiency in TCM is a pattern of disharmony characterized by a depletion of the body's Yin energy, which represents the cooling, moistening, and nurturing aspects of our physiology. This condition often arises from factors like chronic stress, overwork, insufficient rest, or prolonged illness. Symptoms of Yin deficiency can include a sensation of heat, especially in the afternoon or evening, night sweats, insomnia, a dry mouth or throat, and a red tongue with little coating. There might also be a general feeling of restlessness or irritability. Since Yin is essential for balancing the body's active and warm Yang energy, its deficiency leads to a relative excess of Yang, manifesting as heat or dryness symptoms.... see more

Yin Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Heat Sensation In Palms

Common Symptoms: Night Sweats Insomnia Flushed Cheekbones Restlessness Dizziness Anxiety Poor Memory Dry Throat

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Heart Yin Deficiency Five palm heat, Night sweats, Feeling of uneasiness, Feeling hot, Heat sensation in palms Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
Kidney Yin Deficiency Five palm heat, Perspiration, Back pain, Hearing loss, Dry mouth and throat at night, Lower back pain, Constipation, Scanty and dark urine, Infertility, Premature ejaculation, Generalized fatigue, General weakness, Depression, Anxiety, Heat sensation in palms, Evening heat sensation, Flushed cheekbones, Menopausal hot flashes, Preference for sipping, Evening anxiety... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zuo Gui Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan | Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan
Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing Five palm heat, Flushed cheekbones, Restlessness, Insomnia, Night sweats, Low grade fever in the afternoon, Heat sensation in palms, Afternoon heat sensation, Evening heat sensation, Scanty and dark urine, Hematuria, Dry throat, Preference for sipping, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emission, Hypersexuality, Dry stools... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan
Yin Deficiency Five palm heat, Heat sensation in palms, Emaciation, Sore throat at night, Thirst, Anxiety, Jumpy, Scanty and dark urine, Dry stools, Dry mouth and throat at night, Nocturnal emission, Pain relieved by pressure and cold, Preference for sipping... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zuo Gui Wan | Mu Li San | Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang
Detailed description of the cause

Yin Collapse

Yin Collapse in TCM represents an extreme form of Yin deficiency and is considered a serious and critical state of imbalance. It occurs when the body's nourishing and cooling Yin energy is so depleted that it can no longer counterbalance the active and warm Yang energy. This leads to a surge of uncontrolled Yang, manifesting as severe heat signs. The symptoms of Yin Collapse are more intense than those of a simple Yin deficiency. They include profuse sweating (especially at night), a severe sensation of heat and burning, often in the palms, soles, and chest, a very red tongue with little or no coating, a rapid and thin pulse, and potentially severe restlessness or agitation. There might also be symptoms of severe dryness, like dry throat, thirst, and dry skin. Yin Collapse is considered an emergency in TCM and requires immediate intervention. Treatment aims to rapidly nourish and replenish Yin while simultaneously subduing the excessive Yang.... see more

Yin Collapse Patterns That Can Lead to Heat Sensation In Palms

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Collapse of Yin Five palm heat, Low grade fever, Night sweats, Restlessness, Dry mouth with desire to sip liquids, Heat sensation in palms, Flushed cheekbones, Emaciation, Urinary retention, Constipation... see more Da Bu Yin Wan
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Heat" signifies an excess of Yang energy, leading to an imbalance where heat predominates over the body's cool Yin aspects. This condition is metaphorically akin to an internal over-heating. Symptoms indicative of Heat can include feelings of warmth, fever, sweating, irritability, red face, thirst with a preference for cold drinks, and a rapid pulse. The tongue may appear red with a yellow coating. Unlike the common interpretation of heat in terms of temperature, in TCM, it represents a state of hyperactivity or inflammation in the body.... see more

Heat Patterns That Can Lead to Heat Sensation In Palms

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing Five palm heat, Flushed cheekbones, Restlessness, Insomnia, Night sweats, Low grade fever in the afternoon, Heat sensation in palms, Afternoon heat sensation, Evening heat sensation, Scanty and dark urine, Hematuria, Dry throat, Preference for sipping, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emission, Hypersexuality, Dry stools... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Kidneys are regarded as the body's most fundamental reservoir of Essence, known as Jing, which influences growth, reproduction, and aging. They are not just organs for filtering blood, but a holistic system governing vital life forces. When the Kidneys malfunction in TCM, it can manifest as a variety of health issues, such as chronic fatigue, reproductive problems, imbalances in fluid metabolism leading to edema or dryness, lower back pain, and a sense of fear or insecurity.... see more

Kidney Patterns That Can Lead to Heat Sensation In Palms

Common Symptoms: Hearing Loss Lower Back Pain Scanty And Dark Urine Evening Heat Sensation Preference For Sipping Tinnitus Dizziness Night Sweats

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Kidney Yin Deficiency Five palm heat, Perspiration, Back pain, Hearing loss, Dry mouth and throat at night, Lower back pain, Constipation, Scanty and dark urine, Infertility, Premature ejaculation, Generalized fatigue, General weakness, Depression, Anxiety, Heat sensation in palms, Evening heat sensation, Flushed cheekbones, Menopausal hot flashes, Preference for sipping, Evening anxiety... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zuo Gui Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan | Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan
Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing Five palm heat, Flushed cheekbones, Restlessness, Insomnia, Night sweats, Low grade fever in the afternoon, Heat sensation in palms, Afternoon heat sensation, Evening heat sensation, Scanty and dark urine, Hematuria, Dry throat, Preference for sipping, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emission, Hypersexuality, Dry stools... see more Liu Wei Di Huang Wan | Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan
Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized Five palm heat, Palpitations, Restlessness, Insomnia, Vivid dreaming, Anxiety, Poor memory, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emissions with dreams, Evening heat sensation, Dry mouth and throat at night, Preference for sipping, Night sweats, Heat sensation in palms, Scanty and dark urine, Dry stools... see more Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan | Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Jiao Tai Wan | Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM the Heart is considered the "emperor" of all organs, primarily responsible for governing Blood and housing the mind, known as "Shen." It plays a crucial role in maintaining mental-emotional equilibrium and controlling the circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body. When the Heart is imbalanced or malfunctions in TCM, it can lead to a range of issues like heart palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, anxiety, and a flushed complexion. Emotional disturbances such as excessive joy or lack of joy are also seen as signs of Heart disharmony. These symptoms reflect not just physical heart conditions but also the state of one's Shen, indicating the interconnectedness of physical and emotional well-being in TCM.... see more

Heart Patterns That Can Lead to Heat Sensation In Palms

Common Symptoms: Night Sweats Palpitations Insomnia Vivid Dreaming Anxiety Restlessness Poor Memory Dizziness

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Heart Yin Deficiency Five palm heat, Night sweats, Feeling of uneasiness, Feeling hot, Heat sensation in palms Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized Five palm heat, Palpitations, Restlessness, Insomnia, Vivid dreaming, Anxiety, Poor memory, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Hearing loss, Lower back pain, Nocturnal emissions with dreams, Evening heat sensation, Dry mouth and throat at night, Preference for sipping, Night sweats, Heat sensation in palms, Scanty and dark urine, Dry stools... see more Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan | Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang | Jiao Tai Wan | Qing Xin Lian Zi Yin

TCM Herbal Formulas for Heat Sensation In Palms

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address heat sensation in palms, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that nourish yin and tonify
  • Formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind
  • Formulas that tonify yin and yang
  • Formulas that clear heat from the organs
  • Formulas that stabilize exterior and stop sweating
  • Formulas that simultaneously attack and tonify

All Formulas Recommended for Heat Sensation In Palms Caused by Yin Deficiency

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing, Yin Deficiency... see more
Zuo Gui Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Yin Deficiency
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Heart Yin Deficiency
Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang Kidney Yin Deficiency
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Kidney Yin Deficiency
Mu Li San Yin Deficiency
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang Yin Deficiency

All Formulas Recommended for Heat Sensation In Palms Caused by Heat

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing

All "formulas that nourish yin and tonify" recommended for heat sensation in palms

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing, Yin Deficiency... see more
Zuo Gui Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Yin Deficiency
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidney Yin Deficiency With Empty-Heat Blazing
Da Bu Yin Wan Collapse of Yin

All "formulas that nourish the heart and calm the mind" recommended for heat sensation in palms

Formula Patterns Suitable For (if applicable)
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Heart Yin Deficiency, Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized
Bai Zi Yang Xin Tang Kidney Yin Deficiency, Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized
Jiao Tai Wan Kidneys And Heart Not Harmonized

Acupoints for Heat Sensation In Palms

Explore below some acupoints used to address heat sensation in palms, organized by meridian.

  • By Meridian
  • Kidney Channel
  • Bladder Channel
Rangu KID-2

Rangu KID-2

Anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus tip, in the depression on the lower border of the navicular bone, at the border of the 'red and white' skin.

Yixi BL-45

Yixi BL-45

3 cun (about 4 finger-breadths) lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebra (T6).