Tuberculosis according to Chinese Medicine

The five herbal formulas that might help with tuberculosis

Da Bu Yin Wan

Source date: 1481 AD

Number of ingredients: 4 herbs

Key actions: Enriches the Yin. Directs fire downward.

Why might Da Bu Yin Wan help with tuberculosis?

Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with tuberculosis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).

Read more about Da Bu Yin Wan here

Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang

Source date: 1773 AD

Number of ingredients: 12 herbs

Key actions: Dispels Wind. Clears toxic-Heat. Disperses Stagnation.

Why might Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang help with tuberculosis?

Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with tuberculosis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).

Read more about Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang here

Qing Gu San

Source date: 1602 AD

Number of ingredients: 8 herbs

Key actions: Clears Heat from Deficiency. Alleviates steaming bone disorder.

Why might Qing Gu San help with tuberculosis?

Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with tuberculosis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).

Read more about Qing Gu San here

Qin Jiao Bie Jia San

Source date: Yuan dynasty

Number of ingredients: 6 herbs

Key actions: Enriches the Yin. Nourishes the Blood. Clears Heat. Alleviates steaming bone disorder .

Why might Qin Jiao Bie Jia San help with tuberculosis?

Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with tuberculosis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).

Read more about Qin Jiao Bie Jia San here

Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang

Source date: 1336 AD

Number of ingredients: 7 herbs

Key actions: Enriches the Yin. Drains Fire. Stabilizes the Exterior. Stops sweating.

Why might Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang help with tuberculosis?

Because it is a formula often recommended to help treat , a pattern sometimes associated with tuberculosis. If it looks like you might suffer from , this formula might help (although please seek confirmation with a professional practitioner beforehand).

Read more about Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang here