Abnormal Fetal Positionaccording to TCM

*redirected from Fetus malposition

Symptom family: Pregnancy Issues

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What is Abnormal Fetal Position?

Abnormal fetal position refers to a situation where a fetus is not in the ideal position for birth as the pregnancy nears term. Typically, the preferred position for delivery is head-down (cephalic presentation). However, in cases of abnormal positioning, the fetus might be situated feet-first (breech), sideways (transverse), or with the shoulder, face, or brow presenting first. These variations in positioning can complicate the delivery process and may influence decisions around labor and delivery methods, including the possibility of a cesarean section.

How Does TCM View Abnormal Fetal Position?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interprets abnormal fetal position through a distinct lens, diverging from the anatomical and physiological focus of Western medicine. In TCM, such conditions are viewed as manifestations of imbalances or disharmonies in the mother's body, particularly affecting the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood.

This perspective suggests that correcting these imbalances is key to addressing the issue. TCM emphasizes the importance of identifying the specific pattern of disharmony involved, as each case may arise from different underlying causes and thus require different treatment approaches.

Acupoints for Abnormal Fetal Position

In TCM, specific acupoints are employed to address issues like abnormal fetal position. One such point is Zhiyin BL-67, located on the lateral side of the little toe, approximately 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail. This point is believed to have actions that expel wind and promote labor, making it particularly relevant in cases of abnormal fetal position. The stimulation of Zhiyin BL-67 is thought to help correct the position of the fetus, facilitating a smoother delivery process. In TCM, the use of such acupoints is tailored to the individual's unique pattern of disharmony, with the aim of restoring balance and promoting the natural process of childbirth.

See more details below about Zhiyin BL-67, an acupoint used to address abnormal fetal position.

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Zhiyin BL-67

Zhiyin BL-67

On the lateral side of the little toe, about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.