Fever Without Perspirationaccording to TCM

*redirected from Febrille disease without sweating

Symptom family: Fever and Temperature-Related Conditions

Parent symptom: Fever

Root Causes of Fever Without Perspiration in TCM

Explore below more details about what might cause Fever without perspiration according to TCM.

  • By Syndrome
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Cold" as a pattern of disharmony refers to a specific type of imbalance within the body's systems, often linked to a deficiency or weakness. It's not about feeling physically cold or having a common cold, but rather a metaphorical description of certain symptoms and underlying conditions. When a TCM practitioner says someone suffers from "Cold," it usually implies that the body's Yang energy, which is warm and active, is insufficient or overpowered by Yin energy, which is cool and passive. Symptoms of Cold in TCM can include a general feeling of coldness, cold limbs, pale complexion, low energy, slow metabolism, and a preference for warmth. ... see more

Cold Patterns That Can Lead to Fever Without Perspiration

Common Symptoms: Body Pain Thirst Irritability Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Influenza Purulent Keratitis Viral Conjunctivitis Sinusitis

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Wind-Cold-Damp invading with Qi Deficiency Severe fever and chills without sweating, High fever, Fever without perspiration, Headaches, Neck pain, Stiff neck, Painful extremities, Focal distention, Chest distension, Congested nose, Noisy breathing, Coughing... see more Ren Shen Bai Du San
Exterior Cold invading with Interior Heat from Stagnation Severe fever and chills without sweating, Fever without perspiration, Body pain, Thirst, Irritability, Upper respiratory tract infections, Influenza, Purulent keratitis, Viral conjunctivitis, Sinusitis, Bronchial asthma... see more Da Qing Long Tang
Detailed description of the cause

Qi Deficiency

Qi Deficiency in TCM is like running low on battery power. Qi is the vital energy that powers every function in your body. When there's a Qi Deficiency, it means your body doesn't have enough of this essential energy. This can make you feel tired all the time, weak, or even cause shortness of breath. It's similar to how you feel when you haven't had enough sleep or nutritious food. Your body just doesn't have the energy it needs to perform at its best. Unlike modern medicine, which often focuses on specific physical causes for fatigue and weakness, TCM views Qi Deficiency as an overall energy depletion that affects your entire well-being, and it seeks to replenish and balance this vital energy.... see more

Qi Deficiency Patterns That Can Lead to Fever Without Perspiration

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Wind-Cold-Damp invading with Qi Deficiency Severe fever and chills without sweating, High fever, Fever without perspiration, Headaches, Neck pain, Stiff neck, Painful extremities, Focal distention, Chest distension, Congested nose, Noisy breathing, Coughing... see more Ren Shen Bai Du San
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Heat" signifies an excess of Yang energy, leading to an imbalance where heat predominates over the body's cool Yin aspects. This condition is metaphorically akin to an internal over-heating. Symptoms indicative of Heat can include feelings of warmth, fever, sweating, irritability, red face, thirst with a preference for cold drinks, and a rapid pulse. The tongue may appear red with a yellow coating. Unlike the common interpretation of heat in terms of temperature, in TCM, it represents a state of hyperactivity or inflammation in the body.... see more

Heat Patterns That Can Lead to Fever Without Perspiration

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Exterior Cold invading with Interior Heat from Stagnation Severe fever and chills without sweating, Fever without perspiration, Body pain, Thirst, Irritability, Upper respiratory tract infections, Influenza, Purulent keratitis, Viral conjunctivitis, Sinusitis, Bronchial asthma... see more Da Qing Long Tang
Detailed description of the cause


In TCM "Wind" is a concept that represents a pattern of disharmony, often characterized by its sudden and unpredictable nature, much like a gusty wind changing direction without warning. This pattern is associated with symptoms that come and go quickly or move around the body, such as itching, tremors, or even certain types of pain. Wind is considered to be a primary cause of illnesses that have these rapidly changing characteristics. In TCM, external Wind often refers to illnesses that start suddenly, like the common cold, believed to be caused by external pathogenic factors like climatic changes. On the other hand, internal Wind can be linked to internal imbalances and can manifest in conditions like dizziness or spasms. ... see more

Wind Patterns That Can Lead to Fever Without Perspiration

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Wind-Cold-Damp invading with Qi Deficiency Severe fever and chills without sweating, High fever, Fever without perspiration, Headaches, Neck pain, Stiff neck, Painful extremities, Focal distention, Chest distension, Congested nose, Noisy breathing, Coughing... see more Ren Shen Bai Du San
Detailed description of the cause


"Dampness" in TCM is a concept that describes a pattern of disharmony where the body accumulates excess moisture. Imagine the heavy, sticky feeling you get on a very humid day; that's similar to what dampness feels like internally. It can manifest as a sense of heaviness, bloating, sluggishness, or even a foggy mind. This condition is often thought to arise from environmental factors like living in a damp place, dietary habits that promote moisture in the body, or internal imbalances that hinder the body's ability to process fluids properly. In TCM, dampness can obstruct the normal flow of energy and fluids in the body, leading to various symptoms.... see more

Dampness Patterns That Can Lead to Fever Without Perspiration

Pattern Name Relevant Symptoms Relevant Formulas
Wind-Cold-Damp invading with Qi Deficiency Severe fever and chills without sweating, High fever, Fever without perspiration, Headaches, Neck pain, Stiff neck, Painful extremities, Focal distention, Chest distension, Congested nose, Noisy breathing, Coughing... see more Ren Shen Bai Du San

TCM Herbal Formulas for Fever Without Perspiration

Explore below some TCM herbal formulas used to address fever without perspiration, organized by cause and by formula type.

  • By Cause
  • By Formula Type
  • Formulas that clear wind-Cold
  • External formulas for external disorders

All Formulas Recommended for Fever Without Perspiration Caused by Cold

Formula Patterns Suitable For
Da Qing Long Tang Exterior Cold invading with Interior Heat from Stagnation
Ren Shen Bai Du San Wind-Cold-Damp invading with Qi Deficiency

Acupoints for Fever Without Perspiration

See more details below about Jingqu LU-8, an acupoint used to address fever without perspiration.

  • By Meridian
  • Lung Channel
Jingqu LU-8

Jingqu LU-8

1 cun proximal to the wrist crease (wrist joint space), in the depression on the radial side of the radial artery.